
International VDI Conference - Cyber Security for Vehicles

Veranstaltungsnummer: 01KO907

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  • Expertenvorträge und interaktive Sessions zu technischen Herausforderungen, aktuellen Entwicklungen und den neuesten Lösungen 
  • Treffen Sie technische Experten und wichtige Entscheidungsträger von führenden OEMs und Zulieferern
  • Umfangreiche Networking-Möglichkeiten während der Kaffeepausen und der Abendveranstaltung

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Am 11. und 12. Juni 2024 findet die „International VDI Conference - Cyber Security for Vehicles“ bereits zum 10. Mal in München statt. Diskutieren Sie mit technischen Experten und wichtigen Entscheidungsträgern führender OEMs, Zulieferer und Lösungsanbieter die aktuellen Herausforderungen im Bereich der Cyber Security von Fahrzeugen. Nutzen Sie diese ganz auf das Thema automobile Sicherheit spezialisierte Plattform, um sich umfassend über die aktuellen Entwicklungen und neuesten Lösungen zu informieren.

„Hallo Siri, finde den schnellsten Weg nach Hause"

Fahrzeuge werden zunehmend zu vernetzten mobilen Computern. Daher sind Automobilhersteller heute ebenso Softwareunternehmen wie Hardware-Produzenten. Das Thema Cyber Security sollte demzufolge ein zentrales Anliegen der Automobilindustrie sein. Doch in einer aktuellen Umfrage gaben 84 % der Befragten an, dass die Automobilhersteller nicht in der Lage seien, mit den stetig wachsenden Herausforderungen in diesem Bereich Schritt zu halten.

Die „International VDI Conference - Cyber Security for Vehicles“ bringt Sie auf den neuesten Stand der Entwicklungen und hilft Ihnen, zukünftige Bedrohungsszenarien zu antizipieren und wirksame Gegenmaßnahmen zu treffen. Nutzen Sie die Diskussionen und die fundierten Beiträge anerkannter Sicherheitsexperten, um sich mit den für Ihr Unternehmen relevanten Fachkräften und Entscheidern auszutauschen und Ihr Wissen im Bereich der Cyber Security von Fahrzeugen zu erweitern.


Supporting experts

  • Dr. Mathias Dehm, Security & Privacy Expert, Continental AG, Germany
  • Prof. Dr. Christoph Krauß, Head of Automotive Security Research, INCYDE GmbH and Head of Research Group Applied Cyber Security Darmstadt, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Germany
  • Prof. Dr. Jörn Eichler, Head of Security Engineering, Electric/Electronic Engineering, Volkswagen AG, Germany
  • Dr. Christian Köbel, Senior Project Engineer Cyber Security, Honda R&D Europe GmbH, Germany


  • Expertenvorträge und interaktive Sessions zu technischen Herausforderungen, aktuellen Entwicklungen und den neuesten Lösungen 
  • Treffen Sie technische Experten und wichtige Entscheidungsträger von führenden OEMs und Zulieferern
  • Umfangreiche Networking-Möglichkeiten während der Kaffeepausen und der Abendveranstaltung

Themen, Sprecher und Programm

Wenn Sie Fragen zum Programm haben oder als Referent mit einem eigenen Beitrag an einer unserer Konferenzen teilnehmen möchten, wenden Sie sich bitte an Annick Cathrin Braun.


Registration & Welcome coffee


Chair’s Welcome and Opening Address

Mathias Dehm, Chief Product Security Officer, Continental AG, Germany

I. Regulations, Standards, Processes & Homologation


Cybersecurity from a Global Perspective - China and its Rules for Automotive Cyber Security

  • International automotive cyber security regulations are evolving & more national standards adding complexity to international type approval
  • China is developing a cyber security and data security standard system for ICV
  • Strong references to UNECE, ISO and other international standards
  • What additional effort is required if, e.g. ISO standards & UNECE regulations are already implemented in an organization
    Janine Funke, Strategic Area Lead Cybersecurity, co-author: Sergej Weber, both: Kugler Maag Cie by UL Solutions, Germany

The Achilles‘ Heel of AI-Based Systems in the Automotive Domain: Security Aspects and Challenges

  • New challenges in terms of cyber security
  • AI specific vulnerabilities and risks
  • Threats and attacks along the life-cycle
    Vasilios Danos, Artificial Intelligence, Head of AI Security & Trustworthiness, co-author: Thora Market, both: TÜVIT (TÜV NORD GROUP), Germany

Cyber Security beyond Cars: Compliance Challenges for OEMs and their Supply Chain

  • Small OEMs and the need for CSMS/SUMS compliance
  • Small OEMs depend on bigger suppliers and OTS components
  • Big OEMs‘ business models vs. small manufacturers and special vehicle builders
  • Secure communication: Changing configurations of trucks & trailers during operation
    Jan-Peter von Hunnius, Associate Partner and Head of CYRES Consulting, Austria

Strategic Use of Intellectual Property Rights for the Automotive Sector: Creating and Capturing Value

  • Use of exclusive rights to derive value out of data sets, architecture, AI solutions and software
  • Contracting for security by design in the multi-tiered automotive supply chain
  • Organizing security compliance in light of the new and upcoming European legislation
    Maurits Westerik, Attorney-at-law, co-author: Lot Wagemakers, Attorney-at-law, both: Coupry, The Netherlands


II. Post-Development/ Vehicle Operation


Utilizing Simulated AUTOSAR Security Events for the Detection of Cyber Attacks on Vehicles

  • Investigates a realization of the interplay of an in-vehicle IDS system with a monitoring backend system according to UNECE R155
  • Digital traces of a real-world cyber attack are mapped to AUTOSAR security events which are integrated into fleet simulations of AUTOSAR events
  • The generated data is transferred to a backend system where it is analyzed and different approaches for detecting the attack among a multitude of noise events are evaluated
    Thomas Bitterlich, Senior Automotive Security Consultant, co-authors: Dr.Grit Pientka, both: T-Systems, Max Engelsberger, Vector all: Germany

Secure Decommissioning: Automotive Security at the End of the Life Cycle

  • Security risks at end of life cycle
  • Challenges regarding secure decommissioning
  • Best practices
    Mathias Löbl, Security Manager, Bosch Engineering GmbH, Austria

Networking & Coffee Break

III. Future Cyber Security


Security Operations for Vehicles: Experiences und Challenges

  • Establishing risk-based security operations
  • Application of tooling
  • Lessons learned, e.g., BOM quality, metrics, attack types
  • Trends regarding technology, regulation, and collaboration
    Prof. Dr. Jörn Eichler, Head of Security Engineering, Electric/Electronic Engineering, Volkswagen AG, Germany

Post-Quantum Cryptography on Embedded ECUs

  • Post-quantum cryptography
  • Embedded Security
  • AUTOSAR classic platform
    Claude-Pascal Stöber-Schmidt, Project Manager Security Engineering; co-. authors: Philipp Jungklass & Marco Siebert, all: TT-E1, Embedded Security, IAV GmbH, Germany

Panel Discussion: What comes next?


End of Conference Day 1



At the end of the first conference day, we kindly invite you to use the relaxed and informal atmosphere at our conference dinner for indepth conversations with other participants and speakers.


Chair’s Welcome

IV. Security Technologies & Further Developments


Cyber Security: the HW Challenges of SW-Defined Vehicles

  • SDV architectures tend to merge HW, which tends to weaken the cyber security resilience level
  • Several solutions and strategies exist in the market to adopt fusion architecture in the same system-on-chip
  • The presentation will explore the strategies, missing components or certifications in the existing product roadmaps
  • Summarization of the pros/cons of SDV fusion architectures.
    Frederic Ameye, Cybersecurity Lead, Ampere Software Technology, France

Why do automotive zero-day vulnerabilities matter?

  • Emerging threats in automotive and lessons learned from Pwn2Own Automotive Japan
  • Remediating highly exploitable and critical vulnerabilities
  • Possible approach using the example of a Smart Cockpit
    Gregor Knappik, Solution Architect Cybersecurity, VicOne, Germany

V2X Security, Mutual Trust, and Data Sharing - Challenges When Introducing a Trust Model for External Data in V2X

  • V2X Security ensures the integrity, authenticity, and confidentiality of communications and anonymity of participants
  • Misbehavior detection provides measures to identify malfunctioning devices and malicious actors
  • Future use cases require the determination of the trustworthiness of external data
  • Various techniques support the evaluation of the trustworthiness of data and entities
    Stephan Rein, Consultant - Software Defined Vehicle, msg systems ag, Germany

Networking & Coffee Break


Challenges and Strategies for Enhancing Firmware Security in Automotive Systems

  • Common automotive firmware attack vectors
  • Firmware reverse engineering for IP theft and competitor analysis
  • Technical countermeasures: exploit mitigations and software protection
  • Overcoming implementation challenges for diverse automotive environments
  • Future directions in firmware security and industry-academia collaboration
    Tim Blazytko, Chief Scientist, Head of Engineering, emproof, Germany

Resource Efficient Hybrid Automotive Ethernet Firewall for Smart Switches

  • Tool based creation of allow list firewall policies
  • Multilevel optimization of filter conditions
  • Efficient utilization of switch resources
    Alexander Zeeb, Senior Solution Manager Embedded Software, Vector Informatik GmbH, Germany


V. Security Testing


The Importance of a Consistent Process from TARA to Testing

  • Establishing standardized cybersecurity processes in the dynamic automotive industry
  • Overcoming challenges by integrating TARA seamlessly
  • Standardization and automation of test procedures for faster iteration of tests and integration
  • Utilizing model-based TARA for automated test case generation, improving testing efficiency
  • Employing a versatile testing platform for diverse interfaces, saving time and resources in the testing lifecycle
    Harald Petschnik, Business Innovation Manager, co-authors: Jürgen Wurzinger & Stefan Marksteiner, all: AVL List GmbH, Austria

Full-Vehicle Penetration Testing - A Silver Bullet for Cyber Security Homologation?

  • Current cyber security homologation/ vehicle-type-approval setup for global UN-R 155 member states
  • Detailed insights into industry experience as security testing provider
  • Description of effective attack vectors, techniques and specific tools to conduct full-vehicle penetration test in context of VTA
  • Appreciation of full-vehicle penetration testing compared to testing on component level
    Thomas Irmscher, Product Manager Security Testing, co-author: Abdallah Ourad, both: ETAS GmbH, Germany

Protecting Vehicle Architectures: Common Security Pitfalls to Avoid

  • Learn how to design more secure vehicle architectures and avoid common security pitfalls at the component (e.g., ECU) and vehicle levels
  • Get insights into real-world cases of vulnerabilities found in vehicle architectures
  • Practical advice for building testing requirements for Tier 1 suppliers
    Ilya Dubnov, Security Research Team Lead, Argus Cyber Security, Israel

Closing Remarks


End of Conference


Tauschen Sie sich mit internationalen Experten und Geschäftspartnern aus und nutzen Sie die Vielzahl an Networking-Möglichkeiten. Die „International VDI Conference - Cyber Security for Vehicles“ richtet sich an Fach- und Führungskräfte von OEMs, Tier-1- und Tier-2-Zulieferen sowie IT-und Softwareunternehmen. Angesprochen sind insbesondere:

  • Cyber- & IT-Sicherheitsspezialisten
  • Sicherheitsarchitekten und -ingenieure
  • Softwareentwickler
  • CTOs und CIOs


  • Argus Cyber Security Ltd.
  • CarByte GmbH
  • Emproof B.V.
  • MicroNova AG
  • T-Systems International GmbH
  • Autocrypt Co., Ltd.
  • CyMotive Technologies Ltd
  • ETAS GmbH
  • Robert Bosch GmbH
  • UL International Germany GmbH
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