
International VDI Conference - Cyber Security for Vehicles

Veranstaltungsnummer: 01KO907

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  • Expertenvorträge und interaktive Sessions zu technischen Herausforderungen, aktuellen Entwicklungen und den neuesten Lösungen für die…
  • Treffen Sie technische Experten und wichtige Entscheidungsträger von führenden OEMs und Zulieferern
  • Umfangreiche Networking-Möglichkeiten während der Kaffeepausen und der Abendveranstaltung

Kommende Termine:

21. – 22. Mai 2025


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Am 21. und 22. Mai 2025 findet die „International VDI Conference - Cyber Security for Vehicles“ bereits zum 11. Mal in München statt. Diskutieren Sie mit technischen Experten und wichtigen Entscheidungsträgern führender OEMs, Zulieferer und Lösungsanbieter die aktuellen Herausforderungen im Bereich der Cyber Security von Fahrzeugen. Nutzen Sie diese ganz auf das Thema automobile Sicherheit spezialisierte Plattform, um sich umfassend über die aktuellen Entwicklungen und neuesten Lösungen zu informieren.

„Hallo Siri, finde den schnellsten Weg nach Hause“ 

Fahrzeuge werden zunehmend zu vernetzten mobilen Computern. Daher sind Automobilhersteller heute ebenso Softwareunternehmen wie Hardware-Produzenten. Das Thema Cyber Security sollte demzufolge ein zentrales Anliegen der Automobilindustrie sein. Doch in einer aktuellen Umfrage gaben 84 % der Befragten an, dass die Automobilhersteller nicht in der Lage seien, mit den stetig wachsenden Herausforderungen in diesem Bereich Schritt zu halten.

Die „International VDI Conference - Cyber Security for Vehicles“ bringt Sie auf den neuesten Stand der Entwicklungen und hilft Ihnen, zukünftige Bedrohungsszenarien zu antizipieren und wirksame Gegenmaßnahmen zu treffen. Nutzen Sie die Diskussionen und die fundierten Beiträge anerkannter Sicherheitsexperten, um sich mit den für Ihr Unternehmen relevanten Fachkräften und Entscheidern auszutauschen und Ihr Wissen im Bereich der Cyber Security von Fahrzeugen zu erweitern.

Supporting experts

  • Dr. Mathias Dehm, Security & Privacy Expert, Continental AG, Germany
  • Prof. Dr. Christoph Krauß, Head of Automotive Security Research, INCYDE GmbH and Head of Research Group Applied Cyber Security Darmstadt, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Germany
  • Prof. Dr. Jörn Eichler, Head of Security Engineering, Electric/Electronic Engineering, Volkswagen AG, Germany
  • Dr. Christian Köbel, Senior Project Engineer Cyber Security, Honda R&D Europe GmbH, Germany


  • Expertenvorträge und interaktive Sessions zu technischen Herausforderungen, aktuellen Entwicklungen und den neuesten Lösungen für die Fahrzeugsicherheit
  • Treffen Sie technische Experten und wichtige Entscheidungsträger von führenden OEMs und Zulieferern
  • Umfangreiche Networking-Möglichkeiten während der Kaffeepausen und der Abendveranstaltung

Themen, Sprecher und Programm

Wenn Sie Fragen zum Programm haben oder als Referent mit einem eigenen Beitrag an einer unserer Konferenzen teilnehmen möchten, wenden Sie sich bitte an Annick Cathrin Braun.


Registration & welcome coffee


Chair’s welcome and opening address

Conference chair: Dr. Mathias Dehm, Chief Product Security & Privacy Officer, Continental AG


Survey and Challenges of OEMs Automotive Security Operations & Maintenance

  • Vulnerability impact in relation to public attention
  • Changes of cyber attacks over time and outlook into the future
  • Approach and Proposal for an Automotive End of Security Service
    Herbert Tschinkel, Volkswagen Security Officer Operations, Head of Security Operations & Maintenance, Volkswagen, Germany

I. Regulations, Standards, Processes & Homologation


From Standards to Regulations: The Role of ISO 21434 in Meeting Cyber Resilience Act Requirements

  • Overview of ISO 21434 and the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA)
  • Synergies and Differences
  • Practical Alignment Strategies
    Patrick Faye, Cybersecurity Manager, co-author: Hamza GUEFIF, Cybersecurity Consultant, both: UTAC, France

Networking & Coffee break


Lessons Learned from a Joint Approach for ASPICE® Assessment, ISO 26262 Audit, and ISO 21434 Audit

  • ASPICE®, ISO 26262 and ISO 21434 have overlapping areas, benefits arise in consolidating the assessments and audits
  • Advantages for a combined approach, e.g. reduced effort for project
  • Focusing on the CS aspects for details on showcase
  • Lessons learned from Infineon and UL
    Janine Funke, Strategic Area Cybersecurity Leader, co-authors: Alexander de Jong & Bhaskar Vanamali, all: UL Solutions, Germany, Sandeep Chandrashekar, Infineon, India

Product and Information Security Management – Synergies and Differences

  • New regulations like the Cyber Resilience Act or UNECE R155 demand cybersecurity for products
  • There are synergies and differences between product and information security management
  • Re-use of information security practices for product (vehicle) cybersecurity
    Florian Stahl, Team Leader Cybersecurity, AVL, Germany


II. Security Technologies & Further Developments


Enhancing Immobilizer Functionality through a Service-Oriented Approach

  • Differences between SDVs and traditional vehicles, and how immobilizer requirements change in SDVs
  • The advantages of applying SOA to immobilizers, including interoperability, modularity, and scalability
  • Challenges and best practices for implementing SOA-based immobilizers, addressing complexity, reliability, and security concerns
    Alexander Harlass, Senior Product Manager Cybersecurity, co-author: Nils Kaiser, both: Bosch Engineering, Germany

Security Study on the use of ASCON in SecOC

  • Security analysis of SecOC communication in a commercial semi-trailer truck scenario
  • Implementation of SecOC with authentication mechanism and pseudo-random function based on the ASCON algorithm
  • Performance evaluation in relation to AES based SecOC regarding security and efficiency
    Leon Pascal Olejar, JOST-Werke Deutschland GmbH & Prof. Dr. Marc Stöttinger, Professor, Hochschule RheinMain, Germany

Beyond Compliance: Building Resilient Cybersecurity Ecosystems in Automotive Supply Chains

  • Promoting Cybersecurity in the Supply Chain: From Culture and Collaboration to Proactive Cyber Risk Management in Development
  • From TARA to Practice: Strategies for Translating TARA Methodology Insights into Collaborative Cybersecurity Activities in Development, Deployment, and Incident Response
  • Measuring Cybersecurity Performance and Metrics: KPIs, Levers, and Strategies to Strengthen Cybersecurity Resilience
    Falk Mayer, Founder and Managing Director, CYMETRIS GmbH, Germany

Networking & Coffee break

III. Post Development & Vehicle Operation


Managing Product Variations in the CSMS

  • Consistent maintenance of CSMS documents is challenging when a product has several variations.
  • Our proposal: Splitting CSMS work products into reusable building blocks with standardized interfaces.
  • Reusability and a higher degree of automation lead to less maintenance overhead in the CSMS.
    Tobias Oder, Expert Consultant Hardware Security, Alter Solutions Deutschland GmbH, Germany & Tatiana Senkova, SMR Automotive, Germany

Challenges and Best Practices for Managing the Product Security During Operations

  • Technical and Organizational challenges and how to address them
  • Prioritization of vulnerabilities and different factors to consider for risk calculation
  • Best practices for establishing the project archival strategy
  • Incident Response drills and the benefits of conducting them
    Santosh Mudhol, Product Security Expert, MAHLE International GmbH, Germany

Evening Speech

Optimizing Cybersecurity Validation in Automotive Development: Enhancing Penetration Testing Efficiency Through In-House Preparation


End of Conference Day 1



At the end of the first conference day we kindly invite you to use the relaxed and informal atmosphere for in-depth conversations with other participants and speakers


Chair’s welcome

IV. Security Testing


A Risk-Based Penetration Testing Methodology for Vehicle ECUs

  • Vehicle manufacturers must validate that the security measures in place to protect systems are effective
  • Overview of risk-based penetration testing tailored to ECU-specific assessment
  • Layered testing strategies for ECUs, ranging from interface testing to securing memory
  • Variant-specific testing to ensure robust cybersecurity across vehicle lifecycles
    Dr. Gurchetan Grewal, Office of CISO, Jaguar Land Rover, UK

Enhancing Cybersecurity Testing Through Coordinated Fuzzing and Penetration Testing Efforts

  • Current State and Challenges of Common Cybersecurity Testing Practices
  • Coordination of Fuzzing and Penetration Testing Efforts
  • Discussion of Benefits and Pitfalls
    Nico Vinzenz, Senior Engineer Security and Privacy, Continental Engineering Services, Germany

Networking & Coffee break


Is Your ECU‘s Memory Protected? Uncovering Hidden Vulnerabilities in MPU Mechanisms

  • The role of MPUs in microcontroller defense strategies, and why they are critical for the security, reliability and safety of automotive ECUs
  • Proper configuration and verification of MPUs are vital for safeguarding against vulnerabilities and ensuring robust protection in automotive systems
  • Hardware mechanisms designed to enforce access controls are essential security features - automotive software designers should verify the relevant security claims in microcontroller hardware documentation through testing or external penetration testing
    Nimrod Stoler, Security Researcher, PlaxidityX, Israel

Panel Discussion - How to Drive Efficiency in Product Cybersecurity?

Panelists to be announced



V. Future Cyber Security


Cybersecurity for Automated Vehicles

  • The unique cybersecurity challenges faced by AVs & the threat landscape for AVs is continually evolving
  • Effective risk management begins with a comprehensive risk assessment framework
  • Layered security architectures are essential for protecting automated vehicles
  • Proactive testing methodologies play a vital role in identifying vulnerabilities in AV systems before they can be exploited
  • Collaboration across the automotive industry is vital for addressing cybersecurity challenges effectively
    Abdulrahman Yacoob, R&D Product Cybersecurity Manager, Valeo North America, USA

Automation of Threat Analysis and Risk Assessment (TARA) Using Artificial Intelligence

  • AI-powered TARA enhances accuracy and efficiency in cybersecurity processes
  • Automated identification, assessment, and mitigation of risks with minimal human intervention
  • Flexible model adapts seamlessly to multiple use cases without reconfiguration
  • Significant time savings compared to manual methods, optimizing resources and risk management
    Dr. Bastian Holderbaum, Director solution management functional safety & cybersecurity, co-authors: Timo Förster & Dr. Hendrik Ruppert, all: FEV.io GmbH, Germany

Post-Quantum Cryptography: Migration to a Secure Future in the Quantum-Age

  • Why the switch to post-quantum cryptography is necessary and urgent
  • Technological challenges for the migration
  • Current state of the standardisation efforts in post-quantum cryptography
    Tudor Soroceanu, M.Sc., Department Secure Systems Engineering, Fraunhofer Institute for Applied and Integrated Security AISEC, Germany

Closing Remarks


End of Conference


Tauschen Sie sich mit internationalen Experten und Geschäftspartnern aus und nutzen Sie die Vielzahl an Networking-Möglichkeiten. Die „International VDI Conference - Cyber Security for Vehicles“ richtet sich an Fach- und Führungskräfte von OEMs, Tier-1- und Tier-2-Zulieferen sowie IT-und Softwareunternehmen. Angesprochen sind insbesondere:

  • Cyber- & IT-Sicherheitsspezialisten
  • Sicherheitsarchitekten und -ingenieure
  • Softwareentwickler
  • CTOs und CIOs


  • Transformations-Hub MIAMy
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    Hotel gesucht?

    Begrenzte Zimmerkontingente zu Sonderkonditionen sind hier für Sie verfügbar:

    • Munich Marriott Hotel City West (Veranstaltungshotel): buchbar bis 8. April 2025 online über diesen Buchungslink 
    • ibis München City West , buchbar bis 20. April 2025 per Email/Telefon bei Nennung des Stichworts "VDI" (H6903@accor.com, +49 89 579497-0)

    Veranstaltung buchen

    Veranstaltungsnummer: 01KO907

    International VDI Conference - Cyber Security for Vehicles

    München, Munich Marriott Hotel City West



    Infos zum Veranstaltungsort

    Landsberger Straße 156
    80687 München

    +49 89/930793-0 zur Website
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