
10. Internationale VDI-Konferenz „Connected Off-Highway Machines“

Veranstaltungsnummer: 01KO902

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  • Erfahren Sie, welche Auswirkungen die digitale Transformation auf die Off-Highway-Industrie hat.
  • Informieren Sie sich über die aktuellen Entwicklungen in den Bereichen Konnektivität, Datenmanagement, Fernüberwachung und autonomes Fahren.
  • Diskutieren Sie mit führenden Experten der Agrar-, Bergbau- und Bauindustrie die neuesten Entwicklungen und Trends.
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Kommende Termine:

04. – 05. Juni 2025


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Vom 04. bis 05. Juni 2025 findet die 10. internationale VDI-Konferenz zum Thema „Connected Off-Highway Machines“ in Düsseldorf statt. Hier erhalten Sie einen umfassenden Überblick über aktuelle und zukünftige Technologien und Produkte, die das Potenzial haben, die Branche zu revolutionieren. Die Off-Highway-Industrie setzt zunehmend auf mobile Maschinen, die hochgradig vernetzt sind und bereits (teil-)autonom fahren. Diese steigern die Produktivität und Effizienz, senken die Kosten und machen die Arbeitsbedingungen in schwierigen Umgebungen sicherer. Die internationale VDI-Konferenz bietet die ideale Plattform, um die neuesten Technologietrends mit international führenden Experten zu diskutieren.

Wie „smart“ ist die Zukunft der Off-Highway-Industrie?

Alle wichtigen Akteure der Off-Highway-Industrie arbeiten zurzeit an intelligenten, vernetzten Technologien und Lösungen. Fortschritte in den Bereichen Automatisierung, Konnektivität und Digitalisierung eröffnen eine Vielzahl attraktiver neuer Chancen. Doch auf dem Weg dorthin gibt es noch einige Herausforderungen zu meistern und offene Fragen zu klären: Wie wirken sich Konnektivität und Automatisierung auf die Geschäftsmodelle aus? Wie können Unternehmen in der Praxis von Big Data profitieren? Wie lässt sich künstliche Intelligenz sinnvoll in Off-Highway-Maschinen integrieren? Wann und wie werden vollautonome Off-Highway-Maschinen Realität? Und was bedeutet dies für die Rolle der Mitarbeiter?


  • Erfahren Sie, welche Auswirkungen die digitale Transformation auf die Off-Highway-Industrie hat.
  • Informieren Sie sich über die aktuellen Entwicklungen in den Bereichen Konnektivität, Datenmanagement, Fernüberwachung und autonomes Fahren.
  • Diskutieren Sie mit führenden Experten der Agrar-, Bergbau- und Bauindustrie die neuesten Entwicklungen und Trends.
  • Besuchen Sie mit Ihrem Ticket ohne weitere Zusatzkosten auch die parallel stattfindende Konferenz "Automation and Robotics in Agriculture“.


Falls Sie Fragen haben oder weitere Informationen benötigen, kontaktieren Sie bitte Niklas Franz.


Registration & welcome coffee


Chair‘s Welcome and Opening Address

Dr. Ing. Patrick Wolf, Senior Safety Engineer, IESE Fraunhofer, Germany


Speed Networking

Make the most of this networking opportunity by participating in these quick and effective 1-to-1 interactions. Get to know the other attendees and exchange your business cards.


Autonomous Earthmoving - Concepts & learnings from real applications

  • Concepts and systemic approaches to autonomy in mining and earth-moving
  • Challenges bringing autonomy from the lab to the rough, real world
  • Longer-term experiences from practical applications
    Dr.-Ing. Manuel Bös, R&D Wheel Loader - Head of Emerging Technologies, Liebherr Group, Austria

I. Software Defined Off-Highway Machines


Software-Defined Machines: Flexibility & Scalability for Off-Highway Machines

  • Off-highway machines require continuous, secure updates
  • Bosch middleware with cloud connectivity optimizes software management
  • Software-defined machines: opportunities, challenges, and solutions for the off-highway industry
    Christian Astor, Senior Project Lead, ITK Engineering GmbH, Germany

Networking & coffee break


Effective Tech Strategy Definition for Software Defined Vehicles in the Off-Highway Industry

  • Define SDV Use Cases: Boost software re-use, on-demand services and integration of on/off-board services
  • Design Cost-Optimized Platforms: Define effective SW & EE platforms
  • Informed Design: Predefined architecture schemes for early, smart decisions
  • Key Benefits: Speed up decisions, cut costs and enhance collaboration
    Jan-Philipp Hake, Global Solution Lead - Software & EE Platforms, FEV.io, Germany

Enhancing Efficiency and Safety: Advanced HMI & UX for Off-Highway Machine

  • Simplify UIs: Standardize, reduce complexity and allow customization
  • Prevent Overload: Improve ergonomics, data display and sustainability
  • Fix Usability Issues: Enhance visibility, touchscreens and battery info
  • Improve Training: Use AR, real-world scenarios and better manuals
    Nikhil P. Jadhav, Lead UX Designer, KPIT, India


II. Cyber Security & Regulations


Adaptation of Proven Industrial Safety Concepts for Non-Road Mobile Machinery Circulating on Public Roads

  • Safe person and object detection in outdoor environments with existing technology
  • Consideration of cyber security requirements and AI
  • Applicability of existing standards
  • The new Machinery Regulation
    Benedikt Pulver, M. Sc., Head of the machine safety department, co-authors: Dipl.-Ing. Emanuel Deisler, Jan Nalivaika, all TÜV SÜD Product Service GmbH, Germany

Enhancing Vehicle Security: A Comprehensive Approach to Protecting Off-Highway-Machinery from Cyber Threats

  • Increasing number of cyber attacks and regulations targeting off-highway machines
  • The goal is to quickly detect, prioritize and respond to security events
  • Connected, automated & driverless machines are prime targets for attackers
  • Customer examples of our End-2-End approach to protect this ecosystem
    Georg Graupner, Managing Consultant and Teamlead Embedded Cybersecurity and Rene Bader, Senior Managing Consultant Embedded Cybersecurity, both NTT DATA, Germany

Networking & coffee break


From Telematics to Threat Intelligence: Comprehensive Cybersecurity for Off-Highway Vehicles

  • Explore the evolving cybersecurity threats to off-highway vehicles
  • Secure by Design & Secure by Default: Preparing for future risks
  • Managing security risks throughout the entire vehicle lifecycle
    Gregor Knappik, Senior Solution Architect Cybersecurity, VicOne, Germany

Panel Discussion

Join industry experts discussing key developments, emerging challenges, and future opportunities in the field. Gain valuable insights and perspectives on the technologies and strategies shaping tomorrow.
Host: Josef Heißenhuber, Associated Partner, MHP, Germany


End of 1st Conference Day


At the end of the first conference day we kindly invite you to use the relaxed and informal atmosphere for in-depth conversations with other participants and speakers.


Chair‘s Welcome


5G and 6G: The Future of Connected Off-Highway Machines

  • Introduction to 5G and 6G and their significance for off-highway machines
  • Applications of 5G: Real-time data transmission, autonomous control and safety-critical communication
  • Potential of 6G: Integration of AR/VR, AI-driven automation and cyber-physical systems
  • Challenges & Outlook: Energy efficiency, security concerns and regulatory requirements
    Dr. Raimund Varnhagen, Head of Product Management Connectivity Commercial & Off-Highway Vehicles, Continental Automotive GmbH, Germany

III. Autonomous Systems


Road to Autonomy – New Operating Concepts for Road Construction Machinery

  • Applications of road construction machines
  • Special features of operation
  • Technical solutions for remote control
  • Challenges and outlook
    Stephan Hammes, Head of Advanced Engineering, BOMAG GmbH, Germany

Networking & coffee break


Take Your Off-Highway Automation & Autonomy to the Next Level with Imaging Radar

  • Currently used optical perception systems are restricting autonomy due to limited resilience to environmental factors
  • Radar systems, in particular imaging radar, will complement optical perception sensors
  • Real life data demonstrates the improvement with imaging radar
    Michael Weigel, Global Business Manager Agriculture, Baumer Electric AG, Switzerland

A Multi-Industry Autonomy Platform with Open Interfaces Accelerating the Evolution of Autonomous Machines

  • The primary driving forces behind machine automation across various industries are productivity, labor shortages and safety
  • The challenge of autonomous commercial operation lies in developing a robust, reliable and safe machine perception
  • A universal multi-industry Autonomy Platform is the foundation for a sustained scaleup of deployments and increased machine capabilities
    Dr. Stephan Matz, CEO/COO, driveblocks GmbH, Germany


IV. Artificial Intelligence


Revolutionizing Rugged Terrain: The Rise of Off-Highway Autonomous Systems

  • How to improve performance for large scale AI workloads
  • Connect & optimize all your data
  • Learn how organizations today are retooling their IT operations to embrace artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and advanced analytics
    Dipl. Ing., Frank Kraemer, Technology Systems Architect, IBM, Germany

Generative AI-Driven Collaboration Between Humans and Machines: Shaping the Future of Work With Off-Highway Machines

  • AI-Enhanced Collaboration: How Generative AI can facilitate seamless, intuitive interaction between humans & machines to boost productivity
  • Sustainability Through Optimized Operations: How AI can help us optimize for sustainability across off-highway applications
  • Health & Safety: Natural machine interaction enhances operator well-being
    Joonas Koivuniemi, Co-founder & CEO, spogen.ai, Finland

Networking & coffee break

V. Development & Validation


Towards Autonomy in Off-Highway Vehicles: Overcoming Sensor Fusion and AI Challenges

  • Integrating multi-sensor data for real-time environmental understanding using advanced algorithms
  • Strategies for overcoming challenges using advanced middleware & development platforms
  • Leveraging software reusability & adhering to industry safety standards for a clear path-to-production
  • Combining simulations with real-world data to create realistic test scenarios
    Gautam Dobariya, Business Development Manager, Automated Driving and Software Solutions, dSPACE GmbH, Germany

Virtual platform to Simulate Actual Field-like Scenarios & Vehicle Movement in this Simulated Field Based on GNSS

  • Simulation of the dynamics of physics for various terrain conditions
  • Development time is reduced by testing early in the development life cycle
  • Dependency on field testing is reduced irrespective of weather conditions
  • Adverse conditions like snowfall & rain can be simulated in the virtual field
    Mohideen Farouk, Trucks & Off-Highway / Director, co-author: Manoj Deodhar, L&T Technology Services, Germany/India

Closing Remarks


End of conference


Die 10. internationale VDI-Konferenz „Connected Off-Highway Machines“ richtet sich an Ingenieure, Techniker, Konstrukteure und Spezialisten von Herstellern und Zulieferern der Off-Highway-Industrie. Angesprochen sind insbesondere Fach- und Führungskräfte aus den Bereichen:

  • Software-Entwicklung
  • Steuerungslösungen für mobile Maschinen
  • Kommunikationstechnologie
  • Elektrische und elektronische Systeme
  • Telematik und Fahrerassistenzsysteme

Die Konferenz ist das Branchenforum für alle Fachkräfte aus den Bereichen Connected Off-Highway Machines, Automation und IT für mobile Maschinen, die ihre Ideen und Erfahrungen mit Experten und Kollegen in einem internationalen Umfeld austauschen möchten.


Das Ausstellerpaket mit Freiticket, Nettostandfläche und Firmeneintrag im Ausstellerverzeichnis (print und online) kann noch gebucht werden. Reservieren Sie sich eine der limitierten Standflächen in der Fachausstellung. Oder werden Sie Sponsor für eine umfassende Präsenz vor und während der Veranstaltung.
Aussteller oder Sponsor werden!

Supporting Experts

  • Martin Frank, Senior Specialist Smart Systems, Research Program Owner, Volvo Construction Equipment Germany GmbH, Germany
  • Eugen Schobesberger, Managing Director, Liebherr-EMtec GmbH, Germany
  • Mattia Gabetti, Service Development Manager for Connected & Non-Connected Services, CNH Industrial Italia S.p.A., Italy
  • Ove Lührs, Director of Autonomy, Topcon Agriculture, Germany
  • Dr. Patrick Wolf, Senior Safety Engineer, Fraunhofer IESE, Germany

Veranstaltung buchen

Veranstaltungsnummer: 01KO902

International VDI Conference - Connected Off-Highway Machines

Düsseldorf, Radisson Blu Conference Hotel Düsseldorf



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40474 Düsseldorf

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